
PHP 8.4

Published: 2024-11-27

PHP version 8.4 is now available to all StormWeb clients. Prior to upgrading, we recommending checking that any software you're running on your web site is compatible with PHP 8.4. If you're developing new PHP-based software, we recommend upgrading right away to get access to the new language features and speed improvements. For more information on changing PHP versions, please see our knowledgebase article. For a complete list of new features in PHP 8.4, please read the PHP Release Announcement.

If you are running a version of PHP prior to PHP 8.1 on your site, we recommending upgrading to a newer verion of PHP as soon as possible, as older versions of PHP no longer receive security updates, which could leave your site vulnerable. If you require assistance updating, please reach out to our support department for help.